Focus Stacking Software
Automated Focus Stacking Software for Product Photography
What is Focus Stacking?
Focus Stacking, often used in macro product photography, entails capturing a sequence of images at varying focal points and merging them into a single, fully focused image. Key steps in the focus stacking process include:
- Image Capture: Capture a series of images at different focal points (focal depths). To successfully capture a set of Focus Stacked product images:
- Ensuring the object and camera are stationary is crucial, alongside maintaining consistent lighting throughout the process. The only variable adjusted is the focal point.
- Focal point adjustments must be made at consistent intervals.
- The number of images captured will depend on the aperture used and the total length of product (from front to back). It is a good rule of thumb to use more images rather than less.
- Over the set of images, the front (near) and back (far) of the product must have an acceptable level of focus
- Stacking the Image Set: Following image capture, the in-focus portions need clipping, stacking, and blending to create the final focus-stacked image. This requires specialized software, which can be done manually or automated with leading product photography and image editing software.