360 Product Photography + Video Software
Creating 360 Videos
Visere Captura 360° Product Photography + Video Software streamlines the creation of 360° product videos by supporting video composition, capture, and automated upload workflows, making the process fast and simple. To shoot 360° product videos, users will need a turntable. Available turntable options include:
• Pictomic 360 Photography Turntable: Computer-controlled with vibration-free, smooth rotation, offering variable speed and direction control. It enables automated 360° video recording at predefined capture angles (see the video workflow guide).
• Motorized 360 Photography Turntable: These can be purchased on the open market. Users should ensure their turntable provides smooth, vibration-free rotation with a suitable spin rate or variable speed support.
Converting 360° Product Videos to Interactive 360° Product Spins
Visere Captura 360° Product Photography & Video Software enables users to transform a 360° product video into an interactive 360° product view. The process is streamlined with automated video capture and upload when using a Pictomic 360° Product Photography Turntable (videos from third-party turntables can be manually imported into the software). The software reads the video’s frame count, allowing users to downsample (e.g., extract every 10th frame). Once the extraction is complete, users can batch edit, process, and output the individual frames, or create, customize, and export a web-ready 360° product view.